CPI's Assessment Solutions...


CPI's Assessment Services offer a wide range of assessments that are essential for personal and professional growth. From our Leadership (LEAD NOW) assessment to Sales (TTI Sales Inventory), Behavioral (DISC), and team (5 Dysfunctions of a Team) assessments, these valuable tools promote self-awareness, identify areas for improvement, enhance collaboration, and assist in talent management.

By providing assessment feedback, individuals are empowered to develop and make meaningful contributions. These assessments also play a crucial role in performance evaluations and career development discussions.

We believe in approaching the assessment process with sensitivity and a growth mindset, ensuring that organizations provide unwavering support for their employees' journey towards career growth that impacts the bottom line and profitability of the business.



... Offer Meaningful Feedback.



Stewart LEAD NOW

LEAD NOW Leadership Assessments            

by Stewart Leadership

The LEAD NOW 360 and Self Assessment empowers leaders to understand their leadership style, strengths, and areas for growth.

With feedback from superiors, peers, and those they lead, this assessment offers a comprehensive view of leadership capabilities.

Leaders can make informed decisions, set development goals, and enhance their skills to drive organizational success.

It equips leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to lead effectively and navigate today's business world.

Expand Your Assessment Options with CPI...

TTI Success Insights

Assessments for Sales Professionals

TTI's Sales Inventory Assessment examines selling style, approach, and effectiveness, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

It tailors strategies to align with natural tendencies and offers skill development opportunities to optimize team dynamics.

Compass Coaching Inc., offers 3 TTI Sales Assessments:

  1. SSI - Sales Skills Index - Examines a sales professionals knowledge and strategy in most environments.
  2. TSI - Targeted Selling Insights - Assessment of the overall knowledge of the sales process.
  3. TrimetrixDNA Sales - exames the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the driving forces that drive them, the ability to demonstrate competencies required by the job.  TreMetrix DNA reveals specific details in these areas that describe the how, why and what of superior performance.   


Gain a competitive edge with TTI's Sales Inventory Assessment

5 Functions Of A Team

Assessments for Teams

The Five Functions of a Team Assessment - By John Wiley & Sons & Patrick Lencioni

"Unlock Your Team's Full Potential with the '5 Dysfunctions of a Team' Assessment!

Discover the Hidden Obstacles Holding Your Team Back and Transform Dysfunction into High-Performance Unity.

🚀 Achieve Team Synergy

🧩 Identify Weak Links

💪 Strengthen Team Bonds

📈 Boost Productivity

🎯 Reach Your Goals Together

Take the First Step Towards Building a Cohesive, Thriving Team – Try the '5 Dysfunctions of a Team' Assessment Today!"


Other DISC Assessments


Unlock harmony and productivity with the DISC Assessment!

Understand personalities and communication styles for success. Harness collective strengths and work seamlessly as a team.

Transform conflict management, resolve conflicts effectively, and foster open communication.

Align tasks and roles with individual strengths and motivators for skyrocketing engagement levels.

Increase motivation, job satisfaction, and create a cohesive team.

Don't miss out on the transformational power of the DISC assessment. Improve conflict management and drive engagement.

Elevate your team's potential and achieve new heights of success together!